“We do not know how we would have survived without help from the Church.”

In Lviv, Fr Gregory has been supporting refugee families since the very beginning of the war, providing food parcels for starving families and providing shelter in his parish for those fleeing the war. Fr. Gregory said: “Here in St John Paul II parish, we have welcomed refugees since the beginning of the war – in the first 100 days of the war about 2,000 passed through the parish. Today we have 100 people here from destroyed cities in eastern Ukraine – the great majority are women and children.”

Sister Faustina looks out from the windows of the Catholic church of the Immaculate Conception of Mary which was completely destroyed during the war

Through the support of our benefactors, Aid to the Church in Need has been able to help Priests like Fr. Gregory carry out their mission of mercy. He was one of 222 priests in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Lviv to receive subsistence aid and his parish in Lviv received one of 111 generators funded by ACN. The Charity is also providing emergency aid for internally displaced persons (IDPs) being cared for in his parish.

To help the Church continue to respond to the crisis, ACN provides subsistence grants and Mass stipends to support priests and religious’ vital ministries – as well as providing emergency aid for displaced families.

It may be 18 months since invading soldiers first set foot on Ukrainian soil, but the needs are as great as ever. Our Church partners in Ukraine are relying on your love so they can help those crushed by war. Please don’t abandon them now.

Sisters are staying with the people

When Mykolaiv Oblast was liberated in November 2022, the residents started returning to their homes – and so did the Benedictine Missionary Sisters.

Sister Faustina with a Ukrainian flag in the ruined interior of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

Sister Faustina has been there alongside those who returned, comforting and counselling those who have lost loved ones, homes and possessions.

The Benedictine Missionary Sisters have remained with the people. Sister Jana told ACN: “Despite the ongoing war we have not suspended our pastoral work in parishes and all the Sisters are staying and working in Ukraine.

“We serve the Catholic Church by running orphanages, caring for young people, organising days of recollection, retreats, catechesis, preparing adults for the sacraments, helping with pilgrimages, holding other meetings, as well as helping people affected by war – especially refugees.”

Over the last two years ACN has helped the Benedictine Missionary Sisters across Ukraine with subsistence aid and heating for their convents which now house displaced persons – basic things, but without them they could not carry out their ministry of love.

Sister Jana wrote: “We assure you that our friends and benefactors have a special place in our hearts and daily prayers.”

Please “Help us support those in Need”

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